EARTH DAY SPECIAL: Our Earth First Policy Update

Another year has come around and another Earth Day is fast approaching. This year has been a very different year for most as millions of people have self-isolated to help flatten the curve of the Cov-19 pandemic spread. Decreased human and industrial activities have had a profound effect on nature but this coming 22nd of April is still an important reminder to us all to reflect and audit on our consumer habits. Earth Day brings to the forefront something that we should be aware of year round, especially with eventful natural disasters happening each year - tsunamis, wild fires, endangered animal extinctions and other environmental turmoil.

Snow Fox Clean for our Earth

The concept of “Clean” goes beyond ingredients to include “clean” supply chains and awareness of our environmental impact on the planet. Our eco-conscious philosophy extends to each part of our internal processes. Here at Snow Fox we believe that not only are we responsible for the health of our skin through selecting clean skincare ingredients but we are also responsible for supporting vendors and suppliers that share and demonstrate their concern for our planet. Our main facility runs on 50% renewable energies at extra cost and we have an ever-improving waste recycling rate (for the entire manufacturing process) of 83.9% and growing.

We source extensively and sustainably to ensure that our packaging and accessories are biodegradable when the technology allows for it and to minimize the use of difficult-to-recycle plastic. Please help us recycle when you see this icon on any Snow Fox packaging:



We take care to make sure our ingredients are of organic and sustainable origin, meaning you can rest assure when you see our * marks on our INCI lists. Some ingredients from certain countries are wild-grown so there is no organic certifying body, but they are still sustainably sourced. Our formulas are free from parabens, artificial fragrances and coloring, palm oil and mineral oils to name a few.


Cruelty Free and Non-Animal Testing

Snow Fox Skincare is cruelty-free and not tested on animals. Our founder Phoebe has been vocal about her choice as a founder not to sell in regions that require mandatory testing. Read about it here. Of course, as countries continue to modernize their cosmetic industry regulations, we are hoping to one day be able to sell in all regions cruelty free, worldwide. The day cosmetic animal testing disappears, is the day we rejoice!




With the environment in mind, we are committing to donate $1 to the Nature Conservancy for every purchase of Snow Fox sheet masks. Founded in the United States in 1951, the Nature Conservancy is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive together. The organization is dedicated to sustainability and conservation by protecting forests, rivers, the marine environment and other ecosystems on our planet. You can learn more about this wonderful organisation and what you can do for your local chapter by visiting their website.


Moving forward, we have many new and exciting products that our R&D department has been working on to help you with your skincare routine while remaining true to our eco-roots. Part of our profits go to supporting our partnered animal rescue shelter in Vietnam (read about the Saigon Times Shelter here) Stay tuned for promotions, launches and other goodies by signing up for our newsletter or following us on our social media pages [ Facebook and Instagram ]